Have you ever found yourself in a relationship with a selfish partner? One who prioritizes their own needs and desires above yours, leaving you feeling neglected and unfulfilled?
It's a common experience that can cause a great deal of emotional pain and distress.
Being in a relationship with a selfish partner can be challenging and complex, and it's important to understand the dynamics at play to navigate the situation effectively.
In this article, we'll delve into the world of selfish partners and find the red flags to watch out for. We'll also discuss how to deal with them healthily and productively.
Whether you're currently in a relationship with a selfish partner or simply want to learn more about this all-too-common issue, this article is a must-read.

Common Signs of a Selfish Partner
These are just a few signs that your partner may be selfish in the relationship. It's important to remember that every relationship is unique, and not all of these signs may apply to your specific situation.
However, if you notice several of these behaviors in your partner, it may be time to address the issue and consider seeking professional help.
1. Always puts themselves first
Selfish partners are often quite selfish in the way they prioritize their own needs and wants above yours.
They may make decisions without taking your feelings into account, or be more focused on furthering their own goals than on creating a mutually beneficial relationship. A selfish partner may habitually put their desires first, even if it means disregarding yours.
If your partner never considers your point of view, this is a red flag that they may be selfish. They might also be disinterested in compromising and tend to get their way no matter what.
2. Easily angered
Another common sign of a selfish partner is that they become easily frustrated or angry when things don’t go their way.
Selfish partners tend to expect you to automatically comply with their wishes and become frustrated when you don't. They may have difficulty understanding and empathizing with your viewpoint, which can lead to arguments and heated discussions.
They may also become easily angered if you confront them about their behavior, or if you assert yourself in any way. They often view such actions as a challenge to their authority and will lash out in anger rather than discuss the issue calmly and rationally.
3. Unwilling to listen
Selfish partners often have a hard time listening to your needs and may be dismissive of your feelings. They may also be unwilling to work on issues together or make changes that benefit the relationship as a whole.
If your partner has difficulty understanding why you are upset or doesn't take the time to listen to your concerns, this is a sign that they may be selfish. If they're unwilling to listen, they are also unlikely to be open to compromise on any issues that arise.
4. Unwilling to commit
Selfish partners often struggle with long-term relationship and commitments and may be unwilling or unable to make a lasting commitment in the relationship. They may also be reluctant to make plans for the future together or talk about marriage or children.
If your partner is unwilling to commit, it's likely they don't view the relationship as a priority and are more focused on their own needs. This can manifest in many ways, such as refusing to discuss the future and making excuses when asked about it.
They may also be less interested in getting to know your friends and family, or may not make plans with you more than a few days in advance.
5. Poor communication
Selfish partners often have a hard time communicating healthily and productively.
They may not make an effort to understand your point of view or address conflicts head-on. Instead, they might shut down conversations or avoid difficult topics altogether.
When communication breaks down, a selfish partner may become distant and unresponsive. This can be incredibly frustrating as it leaves you feeling unheard and disconnected.
You may try to reach out, but they will likely ignore your attempts or find an excuse not to engage in meaningful dialogue.
At the same time, they will likely expect you to always put their needs first while ignoring your own. This can create an unbalanced dynamic in the relationship.
6. Refuses to compromise or negotiate
Selfish partners tend to be inflexible and unwilling to compromise when it comes to relationship issues. They may refuse to negotiate or discuss important topics, leaving you feeling unheard and frustrated.
Selfish partners may act like they know better than you when it comes to making decisions, or they may make unilateral decisions without consulting or taking your opinion into account at all.
They may also be unwilling to listen to any kind of criticism or feedback and become defensive if you try to offer constructive advice.
Unfortunately, a relationship with a selfish partner can be very difficult because their refusal to compromise can lead to frequent arguments and disagreements.
7. Always takes and never gives
They may take without ever giving back, leaving you feeling like the relationship is unbalanced and unfair.
This type of behavior can cause resentment and frustration, as you may feel like all the effort and energy is being put in by you with nothing in return.
Selfish partners may also be unable to empathize with your feelings or needs, leaving you feeling unheard and unimportant.
They may be very focused on their wants and desires, not taking into account that a healthy relationship requires giving and taking from both sides.
8. Is emotionally distant
Selfish partners may be emotionally distant, making it difficult to connect and get close to them. They may avoid discussing their feelings or be unwilling to open up and share their thoughts and experiences.
This lack of emotional intimacy can make it difficult to build a strong, healthy relationship with them, as it's nearly impossible to have a meaningful connection if you can't even talk about your feelings.
Selfish partners may also be unwilling to show love, affection, and romantic gestures; leaving you feeling lonely and unimportant in the relationship.
9. Takes credit for your successes
Selfish partners may also take credit for your successes, claiming them as their own. This can be incredibly frustrating and demoralizing, as it feels like all your hard work is being overlooked and unappreciated.
They may also brag about their achievements while downplaying yours, making it seem like they are the only ones contributing to the relationship.
These behaviors can cause resentment and make it difficult to feel valued in the relationship.
10. Rarely, if ever, apologizes
Selfish partners may also rarely if ever, apologize for their mistakes. They may be unwilling to take responsibility for their words or actions and instead blame you or the situation.
This can make it difficult to move past disagreements or misunderstandings, as there is no acknowledgment of wrongdoing on their part.
They may also make excuses instead of apologizing or trying to justify their behavior, furthering their selfishness and lack of empathy.
11. Doesn't show interest in your life
They may not ask about your day, your hobbies, or what is important to you. This can make it difficult to feel connected and appreciated in the relationship.
They may be more focused on their own needs and desires, not taking into account that relationships require effort from both sides. You may find yourself feeling ignored and unimportant in the relationship.
It's important to communicate how you feel and what you need from your partner. If they don't actively show interest in your life, it may be a sign that the relationship isn't balanced or healthy.
12. Belittles you for your desires
They may also belittle you for your desires and ambitions, making it difficult to feel motivated or inspired when around them.
They may criticize your goals and ideas, insulting you in the process, which can be incredibly damaging to your self-confidence.
A selfish partner may also try to undermine your success or happiness by attempting to make you feel guilty for wanting more out of life. This type of behavior can be emotionally draining and can make it difficult to form a healthy bond.
13. Expects you to change
Selfish partners may also expect you to change to accommodate their desires and needs. They may try to control the relationship by making demands or insisting that you do things their way.
This type of behavior can make you feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells, as any attempts to assert your ideas or feelings may be seen as a challenge to their power and authority.
It is important to remember that relationships should be built on mutual understanding and respect, not power and control. No one should have to change who they are to make a relationship work.
14. Refuses to acknowledge or address your concerns
A selfish partner may refuse to acknowledge or address your concerns in the relationship. This can make it difficult to express your feelings and have open communication with them.
It is important to be able to talk about problems and come up with solutions together, but this requires that both parties are willing to listen and compromise.
If your partner is unwilling to do this, it is a sign that they are not invested in the relationship and may be more focused on their own needs and desires.
15. Withholds affection when they don't get their way
Another sign of a selfish partner is that they may withhold affection when they don't get their way.
They may use affection as a tool to manipulate and control you, giving you attention only when it serves their purpose.
They may also be withheld in other ways, such as refusing to listen to your point of view or deliberately ignoring your needs and wants.
Selfish partners may also become cold or distant when things don't go their way, making it clear that they don't care about your feelings.
These behaviors can make you feel like you're walking on eggshells around them, always trying to please them to get the affection you need and deserve.
Overall, these signs can be a red flag that your partner is too selfish to have a healthy relationship with you. It is important to recognize these behaviors and address them, as they can be damaging for both parties if left unchecked.
In the next section, we will explore strategies to deal with a selfish partner.

How to Deal With a Selfish Partner
Dealing with a selfish partner can be one of the most difficult and emotionally draining situations in a relationship. Selfishness is often rooted in insecurity, so understanding why your partner may be behaving this way and being patient and compassionate can be key to helping resolve this issue.
Here are some steps you can take to help ensure a healthier dynamic in the relationship:
1. Communicate your needs
When your partner is being selfish, it can be hard to get your needs met. It is important to remember that communication is key in any relationship, and this is especially true when trying to resolve issues related to selfishness.
To effectively communicate your needs, you must first take an honest look at yourself and decide what it is that you need from your partner. Once you have identified your needs, you can then communicate them directly and assertively.
2. Set boundaries
To maintain a healthy relationship, each person must have boundaries. This helps ensure that each partner can feel safe and respected, while also preventing one partner from taking advantage of the other.
After you have communicated your needs and expectations, it is important to set boundaries. This means that you must be willing to enforce the boundaries you have set for them to be effective.
Explain to your partner what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable, and make sure they understand that if they cross the line, there will be consequences.
If your partner continues to act selfishly, you must be willing to follow through with the consequences of their actions. This may involve taking a break from the relationship or setting stricter limits on what behaviors are acceptable.
3. Agree to compromise
It is also important to remember that relationships require compromise, and a selfish partner may not be willing to make concessions.
However, if you are both open to finding solutions that work for both of you, it can help create a more balanced dynamic in the relationship.
It is also important to remember that compromise does not mean that you are giving in or sacrificing your own needs. It simply means that both of you are willing to sacrifice a little bit to make the relationship work.
4. Practice self-care
It can be difficult to maintain a healthy relationship when your partner is not meeting your needs, and it is important to make sure you are taking care of yourself during this time.
This means setting aside time for activities that make you feel relaxed and refreshed such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends.
It is also important to remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup, so being a caring partner you must take some time for yourself.
It can also be beneficial to practice some form of mindfulness or meditation. Taking a few moments each day to focus on your breathing, thoughts, and feelings can help reduce stress and anxiety.
It is also important to remember that it is ok to take time away from your partner if needed.
5. Encourage your partner to develop empathy and compassion
Developing empathy and compassion in your partner can help reduce selfishness in the relationship. Encourage your partner to listen to your perspective and try to understand how you are feeling.
This will help them better appreciate your needs and develop the ability to put themselves in another person's shoes.
Additionally, encourage your partner to practice self-reflection, as this can help them become more aware of their behavior and how it affects the relationship.
Finally, remind your partner that relationships require giving and taking and that selfishness can often lead to resentment and disconnection in any relationship.
6. Build a support system
Building a support system is an important step to take when dealing with a selfish partner. Having close friends and family who are willing to listen to your concerns and provide emotional support can be invaluable during this time.
It can also be helpful to join online support groups or forums, as these can offer a safe space for you to share your experiences with others going through similar situations.
Additionally, these groups can provide helpful advice and resources that provide long-term benefits to partners.
7. Seek professional help
Sometimes, the issues in a relationship can be too difficult to resolve on your own. In these cases, it is important to seek professional help to work through the issues and create a healthier dynamic in the relationship.
A therapist or counselor can provide you with tools and strategies to help you better understand and manage your partner's selfish behavior. They can also provide you with a safe, non-judgmental space to express yourself and your feelings.
Moreover, a professional can help you identify underlying issues that may be contributing to the selfishness, and provide you with resources to help you and your partner better understand each other.
8. Evaluate if the relationship is worth saving
When dealing with a selfish partner, it is important to evaluate if the relationship is worth saving. If you feel as though the relationship is not benefiting either of you or that your needs are not being met, then it may be time to move on.
Ultimately, it is important to remember that you deserve to be in a healthy and loving relationship. If your current situation does not meet these expectations, then it may be time to seek out other options.
So, now that you know what to do when dealing with a selfish partner, it is important to remember that you are not alone and that help is available.
Seeking professional guidance from a therapist or counselor can be an invaluable resource in understanding and managing your partner’s behavior. Additionally, self-care, building a support system, and evaluating the relationship can all help you make the best decision for yourself.
If you have any further questions, please refer to the next section. If you don't find the answer to your question, you can leave a comment.

Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, we will provide answers to some of the most common questions related to dealing with a selfish partner.
Can selfishness be changed or treated in a selfish partner, and if so, what are some effective methods for doing so?
Yes, selfishness can be changed or treated by a selfish partner. To do so, it is important to start by understanding the underlying reasons for their behavior and addressing any issues of insecurity or lack of self-confidence that may be contributing to their behavior.
Additionally, it is important to set boundaries and ensure that they are respected. Encouraging your partner to develop empathy and compassion through active listening, self-reflection, and understanding your perspective can also help.
Finally, seeking professional guidance from a therapist or counselor can be invaluable in treating selfishness.
How can you communicate your needs effectively to a selfish partner without coming across as demanding or needy?
When communicating your needs to a selfish partner, it is important to remain calm and avoid blaming or accusing them. Instead, focus on how their behavior has impacted you, without making any assumptions about why they behaved that way.
Additionally, it can be helpful to provide specific examples of times when the selfish behavior occurred and how it made you feel. By doing this, you will communicate your needs effectively without coming across as demanding or needy.
Are there any warning signs that suggest a selfish partner is unlikely to change their behavior, and how do you decide whether to stay or leave the relationship?
Yes, several warning signs suggest a selfish partner is unlikely to change their behavior. These include a lack of empathy or understanding when it comes to your needs and feelings, an unwillingness to compromise, and consistently putting their own needs ahead of yours.
Furthermore, if they fail to take responsibility for their actions and continuously blame you for the issues in the relationship, then it may be time to consider leaving. Ultimately, if the relationship is not meeting your needs or making you happy, then it may be best to move on.
What role do trust and honesty play in dealing with a selfish partner, and how can you maintain a sense of trust in the relationship?
Trust and honesty are essential in any relationship, especially when dealing with a selfish partner. It is important to be open and honest about your feelings and expectations so that they can better understand how their behavior affects you.
It is also important to trust that your partner will respect your boundaries and not take advantage of them. To maintain a sense of trust, it is essential to practice active listening and be willing to compromise when necessary.

Dealing with a selfish partner can be difficult, but it is not impossible. Recognizing the warning signs of a selfish partner and taking proactive steps to address them can help you maintain a healthy relationship.
Setting boundaries, communicating your needs effectively, understanding the underlying reasons for their behavior, practicing active listening, and being willing to compromise are all essential components for dealing with a selfish partner.
Although it may take time and patience, these strategies can help you develop a more balanced and fulfilling relationship in the long run.
Finally, if the relationship is not meeting your needs or making you happy, it may be best to consider leaving.