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25 Ideas on How to Get the Perfect Gift for Mom From Daughter

It doesn't matter if it's your mother's birthday, mother's day, her wedding anniversary, or you've just collected your first paycheck and want to celebrate by giving her a special gift.

The same question will always come up: "How do I get my mom a gift?"

There’s no single right answer to this question—you need to think about which would work best for you and your mom. And, yes, we know that gifts for moms can be difficult as they seem to always have everything.

But that's why we're here! We have 25 ideas on how to get the perfect gift for mom from daughter.

Read this complete gift guide and you will always know what mother-daughter gifts to get.

1. A gift that will make her smile

If you know what makes your mother happy, then it's easy to give her something that she'll love.

For example, if she loves cooking or baking, why not buy her a new cookbook? Or maybe she likes taking walks with her dog. If so, why not surprise her by buying her a new pair of walking shoes?

If she enjoys hosting dinners at home, she might love a ceramic dish or a casserole dish.

Or perhaps she enjoys spending time with friends and family. In this case, you could get her tickets for a concert or play.

The key is to find out what makes your mom happy. Then, make sure to think of a gift related to those things and it will definitely result in a beautiful gift.

2. Something practical

Your mom may have told you all along that she doesn't really care about material things. But sometimes, moms just need something practical.

They don't necessarily want something they're going to use all the time, but something that will make their lives easier. So, when it comes to giving her a gift, you don't want to disappoint her.

Instead of getting her a fancy watch or jewelry box, why not buy her an umbrella or raincoat? She might even enjoy using them and she will always think of you whenever she uses them. Another option might be a beautiful tumbler or mug.

Maybe your mom works from home, so why not get her some nice stationery? It could include pens, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes, etc.

A personalized keychain or phone case would also be a great idea. You can add her name, phone number, or favorite quote to it. We have lots of different options available at our online shop.

3. Something useful

Think of what a normal day in her life looks like. Then, try to figure out what kind of gifts she'd use every day.

If your mom likes to work out, why not get her a gym membership? This would allow her to stay fit while still being able to relax after a long day.

Think of her everyday activities too. Maybe she spends most of her days sitting at a desk working. Why not get her a comfortable chair? Or maybe she's a busy mom who needs help keeping track of her kids' schedules. In this case, why not get her a calendar?

Maybe your mom has a hard time keeping track of bills and other important documents. If this is the case, why not get her an organizer?

Maybe she has trouble doing laundry because she gets overwhelmed by all the different things she needs to do. So why not get her a washing machine? Or maybe she struggles to keep up with housework because she never knows where anything goes. In this case, a good organizing system would be helpful.

She might also have been asking for a specific item but she hasn't found it anywhere, why not get her one?

4. Something fun

It's always nice to treat your mom to something special.  You can think of fun and also creative mom gifts that your mom will definitely enjoy and remember.

For example, if she loves going to the movies, why not take her to see a movie in 3D? She might also like to try a new hobby. Maybe your mom loves painting, so why not get her some art supplies? Here are some gift ideas:

  • Tickets to a movie or show.
  • A night out on the town.
  • A gift card to a local restaurant.
  • A coloring book.
  • An art journal.
  • A sewing kit.

If your gift makes her have fun, she'll appreciate it more than anything else and you'll feel good knowing that you gave her something she'll truly enjoy.

5. A thoughtful gift

Another option is to get your mom something thoughtful. This could mean anything from a simple card to a unique piece of jewelry like a chain bracelet or a drop necklace.

You can choose to get her a card that reminds her of you. Or, you can go for something more personal. For example, you could get her a picture frame with a photo of you as a child, or a pendant featuring one of her favorite quotes.

Think about how much you love your mother and then think about what she'd love. That way, you'll know exactly what to get her and to her, it will always be a special gift.

6. Something unique

You could also choose to go against the grain and get your mom something that isn't typical.

For example, if she loves traveling, why not get her a map of her dream vacation destination? Or if she loves reading, why not get her some books? Maybe from her favorite author or a book series she hasn't read yet.

Getting her something unique means that she won't forget your thoughtfulness. You will have to put a lot of effort into finding something unique, but it will be worth it and you'll feel proud of yourself!

7. Something she loves

Does your mom have any hobbies? For example, she may love cooking, so why not get your mom a kitchen utensil set? Or perhaps she enjoys baking, so why not get a cookbook?

She might also enjoy gardening, so why not get an organic garden starter kit?

Maybe your mom is an outdoor enthusiast, so why not get some camping gear? Or, if she loves makeup, why not get her makeup brushes?

Or if she loves home decorating, then home décor items such as wall hangings, a lovely bouquet of flowers, rugs, etc. are great options.

If your mom doesn't have any hobbies, maybe the perfect gift is to surprise her with a new one!

You can sign her up for singing lessons, maybe she can learn a new language or even join a book club! She will absolutely love learning something new and you'll enjoy seeing her happy.

8. Something personal

Personal gifts are very meaningful because they're usually given by someone who cares deeply about the recipient and knows them well enough to know what they would really enjoy.

Maybe your mom has been through a rough time recently and needs cheering up. Why not give her a gift that shows you care?

A personalized gift is a great choice because it lets the receiver know that you've taken the time to think about their interests and preferences. For example, you could buy her a candle that smells just like her perfume or a coffee mug that says "I'm thinking of you".

These types of gifts are very special and will for sure make her feel loved.

9. A meaningful gift

You don't have to spend a lot of money on a meaningful gift. In fact, you can find many inexpensive and even free gifts that are meaningful and lovely gifts.

One idea is to get your mom a journal. Journals are a wonderful way to express yourself and share your thoughts with others. They come in all shapes and sizes, so there's no reason not to pick one up for your mom.

Another idea is to get her a small plant. Plants are easy to care for and bring joy wherever they are placed. You could write her a letter telling her how proud you are of her accomplishments. Or, you could bake her her favorite cake.

Sometimes, moms are looking for more than just practical items. They want to feel appreciated.

Meaningful gifts are amazing gifts, so why not take the time to show her how much you appreciate her?

10. A family gift

Family gifts are often sentimental gifts that are wonderful because they remind us of the past and help us relish those shared memories while often bringing happy tears.

For example, if your mom was born during a certain year, why not get her an anniversary card or calendar? It could be a fun way to celebrate the occasion and remember the good times together. If you have pets, a custom family portrait with pets is a great option too!

Or, if she went through a difficult period in her life, why not get her something that reminds her of happier times?

Something sentimental could be anything from a framed photograph to a keepsake item, but the most important thing when picking this type of gift is that it has to be something that you know will touch her heart.

11. Something classic

Some moms are always searching for the next big trend. But, sometimes, the best gifts are the ones that never go out of style.

A classic gift is something timeless that will last forever. A charming gift like this will definitely put a smile on her face every day, you can think of:

  • A beautiful handkerchief
  • An old-fashioned pen set
  • A beautiful necklace
  • A vintage photo album

When choosing something classic, keep in mind that it should be something that she'll also use often and enjoy using. It has to be useful as well as elegant!

For example, you can get her a good-quality leather notebook that she could fill up with memories and notes from her family and friends. You can also get her something that will never go out of style, such as a silver bracelet engraved with her name or an iconic little black dress.

12. Something gourmet

If your mom is the fancy type, then you might consider giving her something that will impress her. For example, you can give her a box of chocolates or a bottle of fine wine.

But, if she prefers something savory, then you can choose something delicious instead. For example, you could get her some homemade cookies or a jar of jam.

Maybe she is a tea person, and in that case, you can buy her a special teapot or even a whole collection of different kinds of tea: for example, teas with notes of bergamot, jasmine, and rose petals would make her very happy indeed.

13. Does your mom love coffee?

Get her a coffee maker. There are many different types of coffee makers available today. Some are designed specifically for making espresso drinks, others make regular coffee. Your mom might like her coffee cold, so you may need to look into getting her a French press.

Another great mum gift for coffee-loving mothers might be getting her an artisanal coffee subscription

You can also make her a gift box with different coffee-related items such as a mug, a coffee grinder, a french press, a coffee filter, a personalized mom tumbler, etc.

14. Books, books, books

If your mom is the reader type, then you can get her a book. Whether it's fiction or nonfiction, there are plenty of options available.

She might even appreciate a personalized one where you write a short message inside.

If you are not sure about which one to get, a classic mom book like Little Women would probably work just well and most likely strengthen the bond between mom and daughter you have.

15. Take her to her favorite shop

If your mom loves shopping, show her what a beautiful daughter she has and take her to her favorite mall or boutique. This way, you can spend time together while enjoying each other's company.

If she likes home decorating, then take her to a store that sells furniture and accessories.

Or, if she loves fashion, take her to a store where she can buy everything from dresses and shoes to handbags. Think of the times when she took you shopping and spoil her!

16. Did we mention gold?

This one is for the big spenders, but gold never gets old and apart from being luxurious, it's also very practical and a commodity you might want to invest in.

When it comes to gold, most people think of gold bars or coins, but there are actually lots of ways to use this precious metal. Gold chains, bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces, cufflinks, beautiful gold spoons, and so much more!

Also, 18k gold jewelry is easy to wear and maintain, and it's timeless. These are all great gifts for moms who love gold.

17. A beautiful necklace

Necklaces are great gifts for women in general, but they make the perfect mom-daughter gift.

They come in many different designs and materials, such as stainless steel, gold, or sterling silver. Some of them are quite expensive and some others are usually pretty affordable. The choice is yours.

Whether it's a drop necklace, a journey necklace, an abstract earth necklace, or a personalized necklace, she'll always feel special wearing it.

18. A matching mom-daughter bracelet

Marching bracelets are a fun way to show off your motherly pride. They're also a great way to keep track of time together and they are super cute!

A matching pair of bracelets are a great gift idea because it shows how much you care about each other. It's a thoughtful gesture that will definitely brighten her day.

You can buy one and make it personalized or if your budget is tight, you can simply make them yourself! Either way, it's an amazing gift idea.

19. Cozy gifts

A cozy gift makes a great mom-daughter gift.

Think of those rainy days when everything seems to go wrong, you might have a broken heart and your one and only craving is to be under a cozy throw blanket while watching your favorite movie or reading a book.

Well, your mom has those days as well, so why not get her a mom blanket? Blanket gifts are a great way to show how much you care and want to comfort her.

20. Something sweet

Mom loves sweets too!

You can give her a homemade chocolate bar or a cookie jar filled with cookies. Think of her favorite candy bars or chocolates and surprise her by giving her something similar. She'll love it!

You can make her a gift box with a note inside explaining all the things she's going to receive in it. It's a nice touch and makes the whole experience extra special.

21. A gift certificate

Another idea is to get your mom a gift certificate.

These are available at most stores and online retailers. They come in different forms: physical vouchers, e-vouchers, and digital vouchers.

If you don't know what kind of voucher she would prefer, then you should ask her first. You can even choose between a gift card or cash back.

22. Flowers

Flowers are a classic gift for moms. They're simple yet elegant and they last forever.

There are many different types of flowers that you can choose from, but roses are probably the best ones. They also come in different colors and sizes, which means you can pick the right one for your mom.

She will adore a lovely bouquet of fresh flowers. The smell alone will make her happy and she will appreciate the thought behind it.

23. A night out

Who says you can't have a super fun night out with your mom? It doesn't matter where you take her, just make sure it's somewhere she'd enjoy.

You can go out to dinner, see a play, go for drinks, or even take her to -why not- your favorite nightclub! You will have a blast and it will be one of the coolest memories you both won't forget.

She will feel like a teen again and absolutely love it!

24. A relaxing activity together

Maybe the perfect gift might be something that helps her relax.

If your mom loves long walks, you can go hiking together. Or perhaps she likes to meditate, so why not get her meditation music? You can also get her some aromatherapy oils or candles and, let's not forget about the number one option when it comes to gifts for mom from daughter: a spa treatment.

Spas offer lots of relaxation options. They usually include massages, facials, manicures, pedicures, body wraps, etc.

Your mom will surely love getting pampered and having a good time.

25. Personalized items

You can easily find personalized items online. They're inexpensive and you can personalize them however you'd like.

For example, you can get her a personalized necklace, a personalized keychain, a personalized bracelet, or a personalized phone case. All of them are available on our online shop so make sure to check them out.

Personalized items are an excellent option as she will always remember that special day and time spent together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we receive when thinking about gifts for mom from daughter.

What would be the best option for last-minute gifts?

If you are in a rush, the best option for last-minute gifts are those that require no effort on your part. The easiest thing to do is to buy her a present card. These are small cards that contain a message inside and are sent directly to her address.

They are very easy to send and there are plenty of stores that sell them.

Alternatively, you can give her a call and tell her how much you care about her. That way, she'll know exactly how much you value her.

How can I surprise my mom?

Surprise your mother by sending her a text message telling her that you've been thinking about her all day and want to spend some quality time with her. She will definitely appreciate it.

Alternatively, you can plan a trip to visit her. This is a great idea if you live far away from her. If you don't, you can still surprise her by buying plane tickets to someplace you both like.

Which is better, giving her a gift or taking her out for lunch/dinner?

It depends on what type of person your mom is. Some people prefer receiving gifts over going out for meals. Others, on the other hand, prefer spending their free time doing things they enjoy.

If you are not sure which one she prefers, then it’s best to go with a gift that can be used by both her and yourself. For example, if she enjoys cooking, then you could get her a cookbook or kitchen utensils. If she likes reading, then you could get a book for her.

What is the best mom birthday gift?

If the occasion is your mother's birthday, rather than the gift itself, the most important thing is that you celebrate it with her. It doesn't matter whether you choose to take her out for dinner or just stay home and have a nice meal together.

The only thing that matters is that you spend time with her and make her feel loved.

Is it okay to buy my mom something expensive?

Yes! Buying her something expensive is a wonderful gesture.

However, you should get her something expensive only if it fits your budget. You shouldn't buy her anything that you cannot afford. What she will appreciate the most, rather than the price, is the gesture.

What is the best gift for a mom who has everything?

This question is tricky because everyone has different tastes.

However, if you ask us, we think that the best gift for mom from daughter, especially a mother who has everything, is something you cannot buy.

The best gift for mom from daughter is being a good friend and daughter. Show her that you care and that you love her by making an effort to spend time with her.

What is special about mum gifts?

The special thing about mum gifts is that they are unique. They are also thoughtful and show that you really care about her.

Gifts for mom from daughter are perfect because they allow you to express your feelings towards your mother without having to say anything and that is the reason they are so special.

What other gifts can I get for my mom?

These are more common gifts that mothers often get but, nevertheless, they are very meaningful:

  • A massage
  • A facial
  • A manicure and pedicure
  • A haircut or a new hairstyle
  • A new outfit
  • A pair of shoes and a purse
  • A new perfume
  • Makeup kits
  • A pair of slippers
  • Facial creams


There are many ways to express yourself through gifts. The important thing is to pick one that suits your mom best and then give her a meaningful present.

Gifts for moms are not like any kind of birthday gifts, wedding gifts, or gifts for women.

They have to be thoughtful gifts that require considering the different aspects of life. You will need to consider all these factors when choosing a gift for your mom.

Gifts for mom from daughter are an important part of the bond between mothers and daughters and help build that mom-daughter relationship that is so special and unique.

We hope that after reading about all the amazing items in this article, we were able to give you some ideas to get the perfect gift for mom from daughter.

Happy shopping!

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